What Level Is Leaving Cert in Ireland

What Level Is Leaving Cert in Ireland

More than 61,000 Leaving Cert candidates get their results today, and the countdown to the CAO offers is on.

oin Independent.ie's Denise Calnan and our careers expert and guidance counsellor Mairead Fitzsimons as she answers all your questions and queries on our live blog today.

You can email your questions to our expert at contact@independent.ie.

13.19 – Conditional offer

Reader:I have a conditional offer from a university in the UK my course starts on Monday 13th and I move into campus accommodation next Saturday. How will my college know I got the points required if UCAS deadline for Irish Students has been extended to 7th September? There is only a three day window.

Mairead: The State Examinations Commission sends the Leaving Cert results to UCAS, who forward them to the UK colleges.

I would strongly suggest that you phone the UK college to confirm that they have your LC results.

Congratulations and very best wishes to you for your future adventures.

13.14 – Future Leaving Cert

Reader: What about the kids in Leaving Cert now? They have missed out on most of 5th year now - should they be offered the same as last year's Leaving Cert class?

Mairead:I agree with you, it has been a very difficult year for 5th Years. Normally a solid basis of the Leaving Cert work is set down during 5th year, but the pandemic has made this very difficult. I believe that the Department of Education is aware of the disruption and personally I would like to see them continue to offer remedies to offset the problems caused by the school closures in the past year.

Hopefully, you will have a better year in school in the coming months.

Best of luck to all the #LeavingCert students getting their results tomorrow. I won't pretend that they don't matter, because they do. However, I will tell you they do not define you or the person you will become.


— Harry McCann (@TheHarryMcC) September 2, 2021

13.10 – Results format

Reader: Hello, why do they give us a rough idea of the percentage we got? I still don't know if I passed maths or not

Mairead:Today can be a difficult day with students with results coming to them and not knowing if the result is from a written exam or from an accredited grade. On Tuesday at 5pm you will be able to go to the Self-Service Portal and see the source of your result.

Traditionally, an O6 or 40-49% is considered a pass at Ordinary Level and H7 or 30-39% is considered a pass at Higher Level.

13.04 – An interesting journey

Nicole Kelch's career destination is midwifery or nursing, and she is on a particularly interesting journey.

With places in nursing and midwifery keenly contested, like a lot of CAO applicants Nicole did not get a desired offer based on her Leaving Cert results.

Click here to read what she did next…

13.02 – Alternative routes

Aoife Walsh has a great article in today's Irish Independent Leaving Cert supplement.

She writes about how there are alternative routes into higher education. You can read it here.

12.53 – Access to results breakdown Tuesday 5pm

Today, what you have received is the final result of your accredited grades/your written LC exam. It is not possible to determine if the result was from an accredited grade or from the written exam.

On Tuesday you will be able to access details of your accredited grade (given by SEC) and/or the result of the written exam, and see the source of the final result received.

Access to results breakdown opens at 5pm on the Candidate Self-service Portal.

My daughter is stil in bed. Whatever luck was needed the time has passed. What will be will be, what is is. I'm proud of my child every day. Today will be no different. These numbers are a necessary evil and not a judgement of a person. #LeavingCert2021

— Joanna Donnelly (@JoannaDonnellyL) September 3, 2021

12.40 – A revolution outside the CAO

A quiet revolution is taking place outside the CAO. New and exciting courses are popping up in unexpected areas of study, training and work experience, writes Aoife Walsh.

Read her article here: Leaving Results 2021: New directions – from artisan bakers to health care assistants

12.33 – CAO process on deferred places

Reader:We have just discovered my daughter's deferral last year was not actually confirmed and is not valid. A huge lesson to her on checking her paperwork. As she thought she had her deferred place, she reapplied through CAO for just that course marking it as a deferral. As she did not get her deferral, I am now worried that she will not be included in Round 1, 2 etc and will have nothing at the end of this process. We are finding it difficult to get a response from CAO. Can you shed any light on how this could proceed?

She has just finished a PLC related to her degree choice.

Mairead: This is very disappointing and distressing for all of you, but just to say that these types of errors are made every year.

The best way to contact CAO is through their email address https://www.cao.ie/index.php?page=haq. They have extra personnel answering queries over the next week.

On Wednesday 8th Sept at 12pm CAO opens 'Available Places' - College courses that still have places available that can be applied for by your daughter.


The Helpline number is 1800 265165 if you wish to talk it through with a guidance counsellor.

All the best, Mairead

12.28 – The self-service portal – what it is used for

You need the SEC Self-service Portal to

  • Access exam results
  • Access marks in subjects, both oral and written marks
  • Apply to review your scripts in school
  • Apply to review your scripts on-line
  • Apply for a recheck
  • Access appeal results

12.18 – Irish grades

Reader: I didn't get my H4 in Irish for Primary teaching, what can I do now?

Mairead: If you look at the FAQs on the Marino Institute of Education website you will see the following under question 12.

'An accepted alternative to the Irish/Maths/English Leaving Certificate grade is a 'Pass in University First Arts'. To obtain this, applicants must complete, and pass, relevant First Arts modules to the value of 20 ECTS credits (please note that it is not sufficient to pass through compensation). It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the combination of modules studied is equivalent to a University First Arts. Please be advised that you may be asked to provide an official statement from the University/ Higher Education Institution where the modules are undertaken confirming that the results attained are equivalent to a pass in University First Arts.'

This information may help you. You can study another subject(s) (with Irish in 1st Year) that would be of interest to you, and this would go to meeting the criteria to allow you to apply for the Professional Masters in Education (Primary) when you complete your degree in 3/4 years time.

Many other people have successfully taken this route in the past.

Best wishes, Mairead

Thinking of everyone getting their #leavingcert results today. No matter what your ambitions or results are, remember there are many different ways to reach your goals. Be proud of the work you've done in what have been incredible circumstances. Congrats to parents & teachers too

— Leo Varadkar (@LeoVaradkar) September 3, 2021

12.16 – Calculating your points

Reader: How do I add up my points?

Mairead: The Careersportal CAO Points calculator page has all the information you need.

Remember, only your best 6 subjects are counted.

And +25 points are available for Higher Maths.

12.15 – UCAS clearing (vacant places)

There is still an opportunity to apply to UCAS, (the UK's CAO) if you are interested. They have many places on courses of interest still available, and you can apply using 'Clearing' which is like the CAO Vacant Places


Just remember that UCAS fees can be as high as £9,000pa. and £4,225 in N.Ire.

12.05 – The backup plan

Niamh Quinlan remembers the heartache when her Leaving Cert results didn't translate into her preferred CAO offer, but her back-up plan has worked out perfectly…

You can read her story here

11.57 – Leaving Cert Maths – and the second chance

If you are disappointed with your Leaving Cert Maths results, there is an opportunity provided by colleges for you to sit a competency test in Maths. Should you succeed at the test and have the points for the course you will be offered a college place for September '21.

The colleges provide tutorials in the days before the test and the Maths tests are usually held online.

Below is a list of links to information re these test (bear with us, but these could come in handy!):












11.54 – Browsing CAO courses

There is a new video on searching CAO courses on Qualifax.ie, it is quite informative.

You can watch it here

11.47 – Is it too late to apply for college?

You haven't applied to college yet… is it too late?

There are numerous options available to those who may not yet have gone through the more traditional route to higher and further education.

Read more here


Minister for Education Norma Foley pictured with students Aoife Hickey, Julia Szarota, Ciara O’Mahony and Hayley Lynch (all from Tralee) after receiving their Leaving Certificate reuslts at Presentation Secondary School Tralee. Photo: Domnick Walsh

Minister for Education Norma Foley pictured with students Aoife Hickey, Julia Szarota, Ciara O'Mahony and Hayley Lynch (all from Tralee) after receiving their Leaving Certificate reuslts at Presentation Secondary School Tralee. Photo: Domnick Walsh

Minister for Education Norma Foley pictured with students Aoife Hickey, Julia Szarota, Ciara O'Mahony and Hayley Lynch (all from Tralee) after receiving their Leaving Certificate reuslts at Presentation Secondary School Tralee. Photo: Domnick Walsh

11.43 – Two different appeal process this year

11.39 – Accessing my results

Reader: I don't know how to access my results

Mairead:Your results are available on-line from 10am today on examinations.ie using the Self-service Portal. You will need

  • your exam number, (given to you by your school)
  • PIN number, (given to you by your school)
  • self-service Portal Password. (created by you when your opened your Self- service Portal account)

The higher score between your exam result and accredited grade will be your final grade. If you did not sit an exam you will only receive an accredited grade in that subject.

Good luck to everyone receiving #LeavingCert results today. *However*, as a university teacher, I can say that the LC is no measure of intelligence/aptitude. The students who thrive in college are creative, original and engaged. All things the LC cannot measure.#LeavingCert2021

— Dr Miranda Corcoran (@middleagedwitch) September 3, 2021

11.38 – My daughter didn't get the points she wanted

Reader: My daughter didn't get the points for her 1st choice Business course, what can she do now?

Mairead: I know that young people can have their hearts set on a particular course in a particular college, and initially it can be very disappointing if they don't get their first choice. What I can say is that all of the colleges' Business Courses are of excellent quality and are very similar in their module content, offering work experience, final year options, and (pre-pandemic study abroad).

Situations like this arise every year for students, so what I would advise her to do is to sit down and research again the choices on her CAO list making comparisons in the courses and reassuring herself that no matter what course she gets, she will be happy to work hard at the course and come out with the best score on her degree.

Life has a way of giving us not what we want, but what is best for us.

11.35 – When your points are out of reach

Fast-forward 12 months and Kadir, from Ratoath, Co Meath, is about to start on his dream CAO course, Business and Law in UCD. It was one of his top choices last year, but at 546 points it was out of his reach.https://t.co/QKlwq3Aqgi

— Independent.ie (@Independent_ie) September 3, 2021

11.34 – CAO offers

Reader: I have my results but when are the CAO offers coming out?

Mairead: CAO Round 1 offers will be available on Tuesday 7th September at 2pm on-line at cao.ie and also by email/text alert. There will be no postal offers.

11.31 – UCAS and how to apply

Reader: Just wondering if you have any knowledge around UCAS and whether you have to manually insert your leaving results or are they automatically uploaded to the ucas system?

Mairead:The State Examinations Commission (SEC) sends the Leaving Cert Results to UCAS, but you may also have to send copy of the results if requested.

It is a good idea to phone your UK college(s) of choice and see if they have received your results.


11.18 – Do I have enough points?

Reader: I got 22 points more than my first choice course needed in CAO 2020. Is that likely to be enough in 2021?

Mairead:Congratulations and well done on your Leaving Certificate results.

Unfortunately, as in other years, nobody can predict what the CAO points will be this year. The points for any course depend on the number of students applying for a course and the points they get in that particular year. The colleges do not set points for their courses.

We will all have to wait until Tuesday 7th Sept at 2pm for the Round 1 offers.

All the best, Mairead

11.16 – Everything you need to know about viewing exam scripts

11:13 – Is it too late to apply for a SUSI grant and how do I do it?

You still have time to apply for a Student Grant, it's not too late, so start your application today.

SUSI student grants are available to school leavers who wish to study at Level 5,and Level 6/ Level 7, and Level 8.

Start the application today as you do not have to have an offer of a college place, that information can be added later.

  • Grant applications are made online at www.susi.ie
  • Check out the Eligibility Reckoner to see if you could qualify for a grant. https://susi.ie/eligibility-criteria/
  • Application Form Guide: https://susi.ie/application-form-guide-2021-22/
  • Income Thresholds are shown here: https://susi.ie/quick-links/grant-thresholds-and-awards/
  • Find SUSI information videos here: https://susi.ie/susi-information-videos/

11.11: PLC courses – is it for me?

Reader question: I'm thinking of going to a PLC course this year, is this a good idea?

Mairead:PLC courses are of great benefit and there are many reasons why people, school leavers and adults, choose to attend a Port Leaving Certificate course. Many students progress to Level 6,7,8, and 9 courses in IT's and Universities, 20pc of college students come through PLC's

  • A very wide range of courses are available to suit all interests.
  • It can be an opportunity to study a course to see if you are really interested in it before you take on 3/4 years in college
  • No CAO points required
  • Small classes
  • Work experience on every course
  • Courses run for one year (Level 5) or two years (Level 6)
  • SUSI student grants and Back to Education allowances are available
  • Many Level 5/6 qualifications lead directly into the workforce..

You can search for PLC courses in your area of interest on www.Qualifax.ie and on www.careersportal.ie

11.04 – 2021 results

More than 61,000 Leaving Cert candidates are today receiving results that show an average 2.6pc grade inflation on last year.

We have a breakdown of the 2021 grades compared to other years.

And we have a reminder of the CAO points for 2020 offers – please only use this as a rough guide today as the CAO points for 2021 will be offered to students on Tuesday.

You can read it here

11.01 – Helpline

First up, the National Parents Council Post Primary (NPCPP) helpline will be on hand to support students and their parents and guardians.

The 1800 265 165 helpline is a freephone service, sponsored by the Department of Education and the Irish Independent/independent.ie. It deals with thousands of queries every year.

Read more here

11.00 – Welcome!

Welcome to our live blog! Our guidance counsellor Mairead Fitzsimons is here this morning to answer all your questions and queries. We hope you are happy with your results today – and remember, no matter what happens with the CAO offers on Tuesday, there is always a potential career path for you and always an alternative way to get onto the career path you're hoping for.

Source: https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/education/leaving-cert-results-2021-our-expert-answers-all-your-questions-and-queries-40814723.html

Posted by: whinhammyserien.blogspot.com

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